Getting started in the world of Mapbender: here you will find all the information you need to know about Mapbender, such as the features, samples, a demo application and all the latest news.
Mapbender is an open source WebGIS solution. It’s powerful yet flexible at the same time. It can be implemented in municipalities, authorities, companies and corporations.
Learn moreMapbender offers a variety of functions to help you to create your own map applications.
Discover the functionsMapbender in action: best cases for the publication of geodata in map applications.
Discover our referencesWhat could a map application created with Mapbender look like? Here is a demo application.
Go to the demoWhat’s new with Mapbender? Here you can find the latest information about the project.
Learn moreThe open source Mapbender project is hosted on GitHub where it is available for download.
Go to GitHub